From: Posted At: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 12:54 PM Conversation: Joseph Ocasio from Bethlehem Police Department Posted To: City Clerks Subject: Joseph Ocasio from Bethlehem Police Department My name is Joesph Ocasio, I have been a City of Bethlehem Police Officer since February 1992. I am writing to request a leave of absence which should have started on the 14th of September. Below I have outlined the reason for my request. - Wednesday, 18 March 2009 - on my way to work my vehicle was struck head on by an oncoming vehicle - I spent the next four days in the trauma ward - September 2009 - after months of rehabilitation and exercise I returned to work on light duty status - Friday, 03 September 2010 - I receive a certified letter from Police Commissioner Bedics explaining "It is the position of the Business Administrator that light duty status for you will effectively end on 11 September 2010. If you are not able to return to work as of that date, you will have to exhaust any other leave you have available or pursue other options." - I was able to briefly speak with Dennis Reichard about the subject and was told he'd get me some answers but it would take a few days. That was the last I heard from him. All other of my other messages to Dennis were unanswered - I also start calling the Human Resource Office to speak with Jean Zweifel and leave messages but receive no return calls - I remain in constant contact with my union looking for advice and direction - Friday, 10 September 2010 - Commissioner Bedics calls me at home to tell me I will not be able to come in to work after the 11th of September unless; 1 - I return to regular duty (this is the only option given of returning to work) 2 - I request a leave of absence with the ability to apply for extensions 3 - I apply for a disability pension - I ask Commissioner Bedics about remaining at work while I appeal. He tells me he'll look into it but never gets back to me. - I call the office of Dennis Reichard leaving a message but he never returns my call - Monday, 13 September 2010 - I again try to call Dennis Reichard to ask questions with no return call - Tuesday, 14 September 2010 - I send an email asking Jean Zweifel for the leave of absence - cc to Police Commissioner Bedics and Kristy Koch - I mail out same letter - Wednesday, 15 September 2010 - I call the Offices of Jean Zweifel and Dennis Reichard leaving messages for them to call me back but receive no return calls - Tuesday, 21 September 2010 - I'm called by Kristy Koch (Commissioner's secretary) telling me to call Jean Zweifel since no one received my "written" request for leave of absence (email was received) - I call and finally get Jean Zweifel on the phone. She explains she received my request by email but no written request - We discuss the request for a leave and I bring up the Commissioner's advice of asking for extra leaves if necessary - Jean explains it was up to City Council - After a few minutes Jean tells me to send my request to City Council through the City Clerk My condition is improving but I can not return to work at this time. I do not feel a disability pension is appropriate since I believe I will recover and be able to work again in the future. Since I am being forced to take a leave of absence I will have to file my first appeal to the denial of Worker's Compensation by the City's insurance company. I am hoping that someone from Council can get back to me as soon as possible. It seems that I am being given wrong information or I'm being avoided for one reason or another and I need to get this resolved. I would greatly appreciate a call from the someone in Council to discuss this and arrange a meeting. At this point I don't even have a leave of absence since I am just being directed to Council now. If I am contacting the wrong people, asking the wrong questions or doing anything else wrong please let me know right away. Sincerely, Joe Ocasio 484 860 5373 307 Surrey Place Macungie, PA 18062